
Smart home UAE

Transform A Space With Motorised Blinds

Automating everything for convenience is the in thing these days. Whether it is your home or office, automation is being tried everywhere to make working more efficient. This is also being tried with window treatments. Manually drawing curtains open or close is a thing of the past. The new trend is motorising blinds and managing the flow of light at the press of a button. Try this innovative window solution to revolutionize your home or office space. Learn more about how motorised blinds can transform your space.


  1. Makeover:If you want to add a style quotient to your home or office, then motorised blinds is something to consider. Open or shut blinds at the press of a button, controlled through a smart device or remote. Whether you want complete blackout to enjoy a movie simply to create a comfortable atmosphere, don’t walk up to manage the curtains. Simply, open or close the blinds using a device. It looks cool and trendy.


  1. Fit: Motorised roller blinds cover the windows completely reaching even the corners, where your curtains can’t reach. As it covers the window edge to edge, you can enjoy complete privacy. The perfect fit also helps protect your home, furniture and fragile household items that can be damaged with intense sunlight.


  1. Flexibility: When installing motorised blinds, another benefit is flexibility. You can operate multiple blinds in different rooms, from one single device. While, this can be convenient for a home setup, when it comes to an office, you can opt for multiple remote controls.


  1. Practicality: If you have elderly parents or people with mobility issue then motorized blinds are the perfect solution. It is the most practical solution in case of injury or being confined to the bed. Motorised blinds are also most practical for hard to reach windows like in the bathroom or for a skylight.


  1. Ease: What makes remote control shades the ideal window treatment is the fact that they come in an array of colours, finishes and design options. So they can be matched perfectly to the décor of any room. Moreover, they can be installed in no time and are very simple to operate.


Transform your home or office space and make it distinct and beautiful with motorised window treatments. Platinum Vision offers several customised or off the shelf solutions that can even be seamlessly integrated into your existing automation system. So what are you waiting for? Call and book a free consolation TODAY.

Best Lighting Control for smart home in Dubai

Lighting Control

Quality lighting is an important aspect of our daily life, and is often taken for granted. Light control is the ability to regulate the level and quality of light in a given space for specific tasks or situations. Controlling light properly not only enhances the experience, it helps to save energy by using natural light when and wherever possible.


Dimming Lighting

In the average home, most light controls are a simple on/off switch, rather than a dimmer. This means that whether it’s the middle of the day or night time, your fixtures are putting out the exact same amount of light. When in fact, you could probably make do with a lot less. Light switches are one of the few devices that only have two settings – on and off. Through dimming, users can control the quantity of light their fixtures provide to fit specific tasks, moods, or situations. This not only improves the experience, but also saves wasted energy in the process.


Dynamic Lighting

The color of light has a significant impact on the aesthetics of a space, and supports occupant comfort and well-being. Based on the needs of the space, the color of LED lighting can be adjusted using dynamic lighting strategies – warm dimming, tunable white, and/or color tuning.


Lutron LED lighting control systems can use dynamic lighting, as well as dimming and daylight management; to either automatically or manually adjust the color of the LED light to create the perfect environment for any indoor space.


Daylight Harvesting

In addition to managing electric light, regulating the amount of daylight that enters a space is an important aspect of light control. By using shades in conjunction with dimmers, lighting control systems can create the perfect balance between the two sources of light to save energy and create an inviting environment. Dimming modifies the quantity of electric lights, which in turn are complimented by the proper shade fabric and control that filters daylight. Together they save energy while providing the right amount of light for specific tasks or situations.


Total Light Control

True light control reaches further than shading and dimmers. Advanced lighting control systems and equipment can make lighting a vibrant and vital part of any space. Daylight sensors, for example, can automatically adjust shades and overhead lights to maintain the perfect look throughout the day, while occupancy sensors can ensure that lights are never left on when a room is not in use.


More sophisticated systems can store personalized settings for multiple lights, allowing you to completely tailor the lighting scheme in any room. Selecting a scene is as simple as pressing a single button. The system can also be programmed to transition between scenes at different times of the day.


Preset lighting can have other benefits aside from ambiance and energy savings. Lighting can be set to increase your space’s security and safety. Advanced systems can work in conjunction with a security system to switch on all lights if an intruder enters a home, simultaneously warning the trespasser and ensuring that law enforcement will know exactly where they are needed.


Platinum Vision uses Lutron lighting control solutions in most projects, which provide the right quantity and quality of light in your environment. With such precise and powerful control, you can completely craft the look and feel for any space, as well as its functionality and efficiency.

Home Automation Smart Device

How Home Automation Can Help You This Summer

There’s no doubt that home automation can make life more convenient, secure, and energy efficient; And this is especially true during the summer months, when energy loads may be at their peak, families go on vacation, and kids may entertain themselves at home alone. During the summer, there are many ways families can benefit from home automation systems, whether you’re interested in saving money energy bills or just keeping your house more secure while you’re trying to catch a break.

Home Automation for Energy Efficiency

Switch off lights, keep your home cool, and utilise only the required energy you need.

  1. Smart thermostat schedules: With home automation you can set up energy saving schedules to keep your house cool and save money while letting temperatures creep up when you’re not at home. You can even create settings that will turn on air conditioning and lights only during certain times of the day. Or, simply adjust your thermostat settings when you know you’re on your way home or will be gone for a while.
  2. Remotely turn lights on and off: Forgot to turn on the front porch light and you’ll be home after dark? Simply turn it on with your smart phone. Or, you can check to make sure you’re conserving energy by turning off all of the lights in your home remotely the same way.
  3. Use activity patterns: Let your smart home help you make better energy decisions with energy monitoring and setting up patterns based on your home’s usual activity.
  4. Set room usage sensors: Sensors are another great way of controlling energy as they determine when rooms aren’t in use and turn off automatically.
  5. Remotely turn off appliances: Turn off your TV or gaming console with your smart phone, or set them to turn off automatically after a period of being left idle.
  6. Monitor water usage and program watering schedules: Conserve water usage by putting your sprinklers on your home automation system. You can program a watering schedule, keep an eye on how much water you’re using, and turn them off if there’s rain.

Home Automation for Vacation Security

Home automation can help you keep your home secure even when you’re not there. Remote alerts, live camera views, automated lights, and virtual keys can make it easy to relax and enjoy peace of mind while you’re on vacation.

  1. Grant sitters or friends access without an actual key: Instead of leaving a key with your sitter or friend, simply grant them access through a smart code which can later be changed.
  2. Keep burglars at bay: Even when you are away, make it look like you’re home by turning lights, TV’s, and radios on and off. You can even set up a random schedule, which can fool burglars better than a simple light timer that turns on and off at the same time each day.
  3. Check for unlocked doors: Feel like you’ve forgotten to lock up? You can use your home automation app to verify whether or not you’ve left any doors open.
  4. Get a live view of your home: If you want to check on kids, elderly parents or pets, you can simply switch on live camera feeds of your home for reassurance.
  5. Receive notifications for alarms and movement: Find out right away if there’s a problem at home. You can set your home automation system to give you notifications for water leaks, fire, or burglar alarms so you can get help even when you’re not home.

Home Automation for Convenience

While home automation is especially helpful for energy efficiency and security, we cannot ignore the convenience it offers as well. Whether you want to set up a regular lawn watering schedules, answer your door when you’re not even home or control motorized blinds at sunrise and sunset, a home automation system can help you enjoy the convenient life with a little more relaxation.

Smart Home Automation in Dubai

5 Advantages Of Smart Home Automation

The use of home automation technology is growing every day and individuals are realizing the numerous benefits it has to offer. Smart home automation systems allow various parts of your home or office to be remotely controlled through any Internet enabled device like a smartphone, iPad or computer. A home automation system allows the integration of various components of your home, including lighting, temperature, security and entertainment. Also the introduction of several new devices in the market has made smart home automation more affordable to all.

If you have been sitting on the fence about implementing a smart automation system in your next residential or commercial project, here are some factors that may help you decide.

  1. Convenience

When individuals are asked why they are considering a smart home automation system, the first and most common reason they give is ‘convenience’. Smart technology can simplify your life in ways you wouldn’t have dreamed of a decade ago. Home automation systems give you the ability to access and control many elements of your home, at the touch of a button. They help you control lighting and temperature across different rooms and even turn on/off electronic devices, without having to physically walk through each room. Many systems can also be programmed to operate automatically during certain times of the day. Like turning on porch lights at sunset or drawing window blinds to welcome the morning sun.

  1. Safety

There are many ways in which smart home technology can make your home safer. You can install smart locks that let you lock and unlock the door with your smartphone, remotely. This can be particularly useful if you want to let someone in your home when you’re not around, like a sitter or maintenance person, without requiring you to give them a copy of your keys. It also negates having to worry about losing your keys and the hassle of replacing them.

Another important safety feature offered by a smart home automation system is CCTV control. With the help of your device, you can monitor activities in your home while you are away, and even have alarms triggered by motion detectors.

  1. Access

Smart home automation systems can be controlled in a variety of ways. The majority of them have dedicated apps for both Android and iOS smartphones and tablets, as well as a desktop PC app or web-based interface. You can thus control many appliances and systems in your home from any device connected to the Internet.

Smart home automation systems also give you access of your home or office when you’re not physically present. This helps check if you have locked the door, turned off lights or switched of gadgets that are not required.

  1. Energy Saving

Most smart home automation systems, are able to boost your home’s energy efficiency tremendously. This lowers the amount of energy wasted, which not only helps protect the environment, but also results in lowering energy bills and a substantial cost saving over time.

Smart lighting systems are often mentioned when talking about energy saving, as they help reduce the amount of electricity used for lighting in various different ways. The latest smart lighting technology uses only a fraction of the electricity that a standard incandescent bulb would use to deliver the same light output. Lights can also be dimmed when not required at full radiance or to set the right mood of a room when entertaining guests or watching a movie.

  1. Resale Value

Finally, a very important advantage of smart home technology that many people overlook at first is just how beneficial it can be when you decide to sell your home. Today’s new generation of home buyers is more likely to be interested in a home that already features smart technology.

By installing a robust home automation system, you can make your home more appealing to buyers and increase its market value, as a growing number of individuals in all age groups are starting to realize the benefits of having a smart home automation system in their home. According to the latest studies, nearly 80% of individuals who have already experienced smart automation in some way, say that they wouldn’t consider a future home without an automation system installed.

Smart home automation technology is now present in most leading cities around the world, and gaining momentum by the day. So for ease, access, safety and savings, install a smart automation system today!


Home Automation Professional in Dubai

5 Reasons to Hire a Home Automation Professional


Despite improvements in the ease of setup, most home automation systems work best when designed and installed by a trained professional.

Home automation has been inching slowly into the mainstream, and with new do-it-yourself focused systems hitting the marketplace hard and heavy, consumers are faced with the decision on whether to tackle the setup of a home automation system themselves or to hire a professional to do the job. While you’ll certainly save money by handling the task yourself, don’t let the cost of a professional sway your decision. There are many good reasons to pay for a professional, and the good news is that most manufacturers have implemented technology into their systems that can streamline the programming and installation process significantly.

Here are five reasons that will make you think seriously about hiring a home automation professional:

  1. They Keep Up with Trends

Technology moves at a fast pace. What’s new today is often old tomorrow. Home automation installers make it a point to stay on top of and ahead of the curve when it comes to technology. They know what’s fresh and relevant, and what new developments are on the horizon. This insight is crucial when selecting systems for your home. You can be rest assured that your automation investment is sound and will stand the test of time.

  1. They Understand Technology

We’ve all experienced the frustration of a home improvement project gone wrong. Whether it’s a shoddy paint job or an afternoon kitchen update that turned into a month-long project, moments like these are when most people wish they would have handed over the paintbrush and drill to a pro. The installation of a home automation system is no different. Rarely is setup as easy as the instructions make it seem. Many times the problems have nothing to do with you or the system, but rather unforeseen obstacles like a weak wireless home network and poor structural integrity. A home automation professional is able to work around these challenges and implement solutions to ensure your system works reliably.

  1. They Customise Solutions

The functionality of a home automation system often hinges on the programming of its software, and nobody does this better than a home automation professional. Through vigorous training and ongoing education, they’ve perfected the skill of software programming so that they can tailor a home automation system to meet your precise needs and expectations. These programming skills also come into play when integrating products with a home automation system. For example, if there’s a particular product that’s incompatible with your home automation system, a home automation professional is usually able to troubleshoot and get the two communicating freely. He is also able to personalise the system’s user interface (the menu of commands that is displayed on the screens of tablets, smartphones and touch screens) to be easy and intuitive for everyone in your family to understand and navigate.

  1. They Manage Integration

The integration of electronics into your home will often involve professionals besides the automation professional. A professional can ensure that people like your interior designer, contractor and electrician all understand the goals for your home automation system and are communicating and working together to achieve that goal.

  1. They Provide Peace of Mind

System snags are bound to happen when there’s technology in your house. A home automation professional can remedy the problem—whether the fix is a simple reboot which he can issue remotely or whether it requires some on-site sleuthing to resolve. Amateurs, on the other hand, may be left scratching their heads.


Smart Technology for home

Smart Home System? Home Cinema? Platinum Vision Has The Answer.

Platinum Vision has more than 25 years of expertise in Home Automation Systems Home Cinemas and Networking Solutions, with an unrivaled client database.

The aim of PV is to make the ‘complicated’ operation of luxurious and modern automation systems simple. Forget the row of switches on the wall, or the library of remote controls on your coffee table, PV eliminates and simplifies the effort of operating your Home Entertainment systems, Lighting, AC Control, Wi-Fi and networking, and even CCTV monitoring from outside your property.

We are also masters of home cinema design and installation offering complete solutions including acoustic paneling and turnkey installations for the cinema room, we even go as far as a residential IMAX solution!!

Platinum Vision was founded in the UK in 1990 pioneering the world of home automation, in 2007 we established a base in the UAE and now with a team of more than 120 people, we have built one of the world’s leading home automation specialist installation companies right here in Dubai. Our team covers all disciplines in our field from design, installation, project management and programming without having to rely on subcontract companies to complete our installations.

At PV we blend together world class brands of hardware from several manufacturers to suit the customer’s taste, style and budget. We work alongside architects and interior designers to produce a high quality, seamlessly integrated system keeping design and quality in mind at all times.

PV offers a highly professional service and strives to give the best possible solutions to every client no matter the challenge presented to us. So weather it’s a villa, yacht, office or apartment we have the solution for you.

We aim to build ongoing professional relationships with all our clients and offer the best possible service and support for now and into the future with all our projects.


Bespoke Home Cinemas In Dubai, UAE

10 Ways To Get A Wow Home Theater!

Home theater technology has never been better; with the options available today you can even exceed the audiovisual quality of your local cinema. Whether you want to host the perfect film night, entertain after a dinner party or simply keep the kids busy during the holidays, there’s a home theater solution out there to suit your needs. Here are 10 suggestions for bringing Hollywood magic into your home.


  1. Designate a room. For those with the space to spare, nothing beats having a separate cinema room in your own home. It’s a definite way to make any film night unforgettable. Be warned though, your guests will be so impressed, you might have a hard time convincing them to leave!


  1. Integrate it into your living room. For those who don’t quite have the space for a designated room for their home theater, try integrating similar features into a living room that can create a comparable cinematic experience.Consider having your screen mounted on the wall, instead of perched on top of a cabinet. This way the screen will be less obvious and the space can be used like a typical living room, with the option of enjoying a superior home cinema experience when you have a film to watch.


  1. Choose 7.1 surround soundThe latest in surround-sound technology requires eight separate audio channels to truly immerse viewers in the film. But it can be difficult to decide whether you should try to disguise the speakers or make them a feature of the room.Plenty of speaker manufacturers make devices that both sound good and look beautiful. Wood paneling offers a great combination of acoustics and aesthetics. Remember to check the wiring options when looking to make a purchase; no matter how good the speakers look, a tangle of cables is always a turn-off.


  1. Consider in-ceiling speakers. You can have an entire sound system completely hidden from view with ceiling integrated speakers. This is an excellent way to have high-fidelity audio and free up space in your home to get creative with your design.When it’s time to watch a film, speakers integrated into the ceiling make viewers feel as though they are right in the middle of the action, perfect for a nail-biting thriller or spellbinding fantasy flick.


  1. Integrate your lighting. Home automation can help replicate that real cinema experience by adding those special touches, such as lights that automatically dim when the film begins, or LED step lighting that comes on when the film is paused for a bathroom dash or snack refill.


  1. Sort your seating. What good is a home cinema without cinema quality seating? Choose a recliner, love seat or even a comfortable sofa, whatever matches your space and style. With a home control system and D-Box technology, you can also have your seating rumble and vibrate in time with the action up on the big screen!


  1. Hide your projector. Another way to have the technology of our dreams without compromising on style is by using a motorised projector lift. A projector can be concealed in the ceiling or in a tabletop. Then, whenever you want to watch a film, your living room or kitchen can be transformed into your own private cinema.


  1. Keep the screen hidden, too. It’s not only the projector that can be concealed, but the screen itself. With a motorised projector lift, some ceiling-integrated speakers and a drop-down projector screen, the transition from living room to home cinema can be as smooth as it is impressive. The space freed up while the screen isn’t in use can be used to display artwork or any other more aesthetically pleasing pieces.


  1. Tuck away your TV. While a drop-down projector screen is great, it doesn’t get much more impressive than an entire drop-down TV. No matter its weight or angle, an experienced professional can mount a television wherever you want it.This is another option for those who want to make a seamless transition from dinner party to film night. When the after dinner conversation reaches a natural lull, you can adjourn to the living room and relax with the latest Hollywood hit or cult classic.


  1. Link multiple screens. If you have multiple TV screens, then it’s likely you’ll want to have access to the same channels, content and films on each screen. Traditionally, this required multiple set-top boxes and complicated subscriptions, but now centralised TV distribution offers a more elegant solution. It allows you to store all of your television sources and subscriptions in a separate AV rack. The content can then be sent directly to any screen in your home in high definition.


W Hotel Apartments: Home Automation

Platinum Vision have been awarded the home automation contract for the prestigious Alef Residences on The Palm Dubai.


The development comprises of 104 apartments offering the ultimate in luxury living in Dubai.


PV are delivering home automation including lighting control, IT networking, HVAC control and integration. Plus the addition of multi room audio and video distribution is also available as an upgrade.


With the latest technology delivered on this project it brings the Alef Residences to the forefront of home automation in the UAE region. Certainly another feather in our cap.

Sanctuary Falls: Home Automation

Platinum Vision have been awarded a project to deliver home automation, multiroom audio distribution, IT networking, lighting / HVAC control and supply along with other automation related disciplines.


The project comprises of 97 villas in the prestigious development known as Sanctuary Falls in Jumeirah Golf Estates Dubai.


These villas will lead the way in offering the most advanced homes available from a master developer.


The head of Sheikh Holdings, Shamrez Sheikh, personally dedicated his efforts to ensure that Platinum Vision, leading specialist in the region was selected to deliver this project to his discerning clients.