LED Lighting for smart home in Dubai

Myths About LED Lighting

The world of lighting keeps getting more innovative. With LED lighting, energy efficiency and environmental protection are factors many homeowners and business owners consider while choosing their lighting. However, many people are often hesitant to give up their old bulbs in favor of LEDs. Some myths surrounding LED lights include that they are expensive or don’t offer much variety. If you are considering LED lights but have had these same thoughts, allow us to help quell those fears. Our experts are going to debunk the myths about LED lighting with the truth to give you the power to make the right decision for your home.


  1. LED Lights Will Cost An Arm And A Leg

Today, LED lights are the most energy-efficient lighting technology and have an impressive lifespan that puts its competitors to shame. LED’s, (light-emitting diode), are designed to emit light in specific directions instead of scattering light in all directions like traditional light bulbs. This helps reduce light pollution and waste, giving you light only where you need it.

On the other hand, incandescent lights waste up to 90% of their energy, burning it up as heat. Not only can you burn your fingers when changing the bulbs, but your energy bill will be higher than if you had used LED lights.

While it is true that LED lights have a higher initial cost, they make it up with their impressive lifespan and high energy efficiency. Because you buy bulbs less often, LED lights basically pay for themselves.


  1. LED Lights Last Forever

LED lights boast an incredible lifespan of 20 years. Depending on the model, you can get up to 25,000 hours of light from your bulbs. Compared to regular incandescent bulbs, this is up to 20 times longer. Compared to compact fluorescent bulbs, LED lights will last you five times longer.


  1. LED Lights All Look the Same

LED lights are not all the same. Some have brighter lights, some are colored, and others are used in different sized areas. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. At Platinum Vision we can help you design and set up the perfect lighting for your budget and space.


  1. LED Bulbs Contain Hazardous or Dangerous Substances

Unlike fluorescent lights, LED lights are not made up of mercury or other toxic materials. Instead, LED lights are made using safe materials, such as phosphorus and gallium phosphide. They are also very secure – they are bound up tight in a semiconductor material that is extremely hard to break open, even when the lightbulb goes bad.


  1. LED Lights Do Not Fair Well in Severe Weather

On the contrary, LED lights have shown consistently better performance under colder or wetter conditions than fluorescent or incandescent light bulbs. Also, weather guards can be placed around your LED lights to protect them from harsh winds, hail, and debris.


  1. Dimmers Can’t Be Used with LED Lights

Actually, LED lights are completely supportive of dimmers and timers. This is because LED lights were designed with energy efficiency in mind. Due to the electrical components within dimmable LED bulbs, they perform very well and do not lose their energy efficiency. Just make sure you are getting dimmable LED lights if you plan on using them for that purpose; the non-dimmable lights are used for more powerful and consistent lighting.


LED lighting opens up a whole new world of possibilities for homeowners. When it comes to expert design, installation, and maintenance, no one does it better than Platinum Vision. Contact our specialists on design@pv.ae today for more information on our services and for a free consultation about creating your dream space.

Best Lighting Control for smart home in Dubai

Lighting Control

Quality lighting is an important aspect of our daily life, and is often taken for granted. Light control is the ability to regulate the level and quality of light in a given space for specific tasks or situations. Controlling light properly not only enhances the experience, it helps to save energy by using natural light when and wherever possible.


Dimming Lighting

In the average home, most light controls are a simple on/off switch, rather than a dimmer. This means that whether it’s the middle of the day or night time, your fixtures are putting out the exact same amount of light. When in fact, you could probably make do with a lot less. Light switches are one of the few devices that only have two settings – on and off. Through dimming, users can control the quantity of light their fixtures provide to fit specific tasks, moods, or situations. This not only improves the experience, but also saves wasted energy in the process.


Dynamic Lighting

The color of light has a significant impact on the aesthetics of a space, and supports occupant comfort and well-being. Based on the needs of the space, the color of LED lighting can be adjusted using dynamic lighting strategies – warm dimming, tunable white, and/or color tuning.


Lutron LED lighting control systems can use dynamic lighting, as well as dimming and daylight management; to either automatically or manually adjust the color of the LED light to create the perfect environment for any indoor space.


Daylight Harvesting

In addition to managing electric light, regulating the amount of daylight that enters a space is an important aspect of light control. By using shades in conjunction with dimmers, lighting control systems can create the perfect balance between the two sources of light to save energy and create an inviting environment. Dimming modifies the quantity of electric lights, which in turn are complimented by the proper shade fabric and control that filters daylight. Together they save energy while providing the right amount of light for specific tasks or situations.


Total Light Control

True light control reaches further than shading and dimmers. Advanced lighting control systems and equipment can make lighting a vibrant and vital part of any space. Daylight sensors, for example, can automatically adjust shades and overhead lights to maintain the perfect look throughout the day, while occupancy sensors can ensure that lights are never left on when a room is not in use.


More sophisticated systems can store personalized settings for multiple lights, allowing you to completely tailor the lighting scheme in any room. Selecting a scene is as simple as pressing a single button. The system can also be programmed to transition between scenes at different times of the day.


Preset lighting can have other benefits aside from ambiance and energy savings. Lighting can be set to increase your space’s security and safety. Advanced systems can work in conjunction with a security system to switch on all lights if an intruder enters a home, simultaneously warning the trespasser and ensuring that law enforcement will know exactly where they are needed.


Platinum Vision uses Lutron lighting control solutions in most projects, which provide the right quantity and quality of light in your environment. With such precise and powerful control, you can completely craft the look and feel for any space, as well as its functionality and efficiency.